Year B Day 21
Matthew 3:1-12
2 Peter 2:10b-16
Isaiah 9:18-10:4
UMH 234 O Come, All Ye Faithful
Centering Moment – How can you find ways to balance honoring friends and family through the gifts that we give this season with the way the world tells us we should give gifts? How can we be faithful to the season of Christmas?
“The United Methodist Hymnal : Book of United Methodist Worship.” Nashville, Tenn. :United Methodist Pub. House, 1989.
Stookey, Laurence Hull , 1959, "This Day: A Wesleyan Way Of Prayer" (2004). Books by Alumni. 3225.
Welcome 3rd Sunday of Advent The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lesson from the Epistle – Philippians 1:3-11 Apostle’s Creed Prayer...
Rev. Katie Griffis gives an overview of what the podcast will look like going forward and how you can listen and follow along through...
Reign of Christ Service, November 26, 2023 The Lord be with you. And also with you. Psalm 95:1-7a Apostle’s Creed Prayer and the Lord’s...