Year B Day 20
Mark 1:1-8
2 Peter 2:1-10a
Isaiah 9:8-17
TFWS 2092 Like a Child
Centering Moment – Like the second verse of our hymn, what child do we see that needs Jesus? Is there a child on the street or an inner child that could use the prayer and redemption of the child born on Christmas.
“The United Methodist Hymnal : Book of United Methodist Worship.” Nashville, Tenn. :United Methodist Pub. House, 1989.
Stookey, Laurence Hull , 1959, "This Day: A Wesleyan Way Of Prayer" (2004). Books by Alumni. 3225.
Year B Day 9 Luke 21:5-19 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Isaiah 4:2-6 UMH 215 To A Maid Engaged to Joseph Centering Moment – Think back...
Welcome to the service for the 25th Sunday of Pentecost The Lord be with you. And also with you. Psalm 78:1-7 Apostle’s Creed Prayer...
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