To Lectionary or Not to Lectionary - Katie talks about how she chooses scripture and what the lectionary does to help plan out the liturgical seasons. The Vanderbilt site and the UMC Discipleship sites are here for you to use. The devotion book based on the lectionary is called This Day, A Wesleyan Way of Prayer and it is by Laurence Hull Stookey.
Mentors - Katie looks at the scriptural idea of mentoring and talks about the mentors she has in her life. The idea of mentoring...
Year B Day 14 Luke 22:1-13 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Isaiah 7:1-9 UMH 203 Hail to the Lord's Anointed Centering Moment – What makes you...
Welcome to Grits and the Gospel with Rev. Katie Griffis.