Latest Episodes
Grits and the Gospel Episode 12 - What to Expect with Podcast Worship
Rev. Katie Griffis gives an overview of what the podcast will look like going forward and how you can listen and follow along through...
Grits and the Gospel Episode 11 - For All the Saints
Katie gives an update on all of the Podcast news and a look at what is coming up. For this episode she looks at...
Grits and the Gospel Episode 10
Why Elder? – Rev. Katie Griffis tells why the Elder track in the UMC is the one she chose. What does it mean to...
Grits and the Gospel Episode 9
Mentors - Katie looks at the scriptural idea of mentoring and talks about the mentors she has in her life. The idea of mentoring...
Episode 8 - Finding Sabbath
Finding Sabbath - Join Rev. Katie Griffis as she looks at all the ways we are to be in holy covenant and find some...
Episode 7 - Tattooed Princess
Tattooed Princess - Rev. Katie Griffis shares why she got a tattoo and why the verse has so much meaning to her. Zephaniah 3:17...