Year B Day 12
Luke 21:29-38
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Isaiah 5:13-17, 24-25
UMH 190 Who is He in Yonder Stall
Centering Moment – How can you pray without ceasing today? What new and different ways can you be in constant prayer and thanksgiving?
“The United Methodist Hymnal : Book of United Methodist Worship.” Nashville, Tenn. :United Methodist Pub. House, 1989.
Stookey, Laurence Hull , 1959, "This Day: A Wesleyan Way Of Prayer" (2004). Books by Alumni. 3225.
Year B Day 30 John 7:53-8:11 Revelation 1:9-20 Isaiah 25:1-9 UMH 245 The First Noel Centering Moment – What is the one thing you...
Welcome 1st Sunday of Advent The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lesson from the Psalms – Psalm 25:1-10 Apostle’s Creed Prayer...
Year B Day 3 1st Sunday of Advent Be Present Mark 13:24-37 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Isaiah 64:1-9 UMH 221 In the...